
Annemarie & Maicke's Hotel

We were closed most of this year due to the pandemic. However, as many of you know, we are delighted to have family and friends visit and enjoy our Beautiful British Columbia.


Obviously, not something that happened this year. In addition Annemarie is now actually retired from tour-guiding after 34 years of cheerful service. She might still tour with friends and family… of course.

However, Maicke still is as happy and competent with even more experience to provide those services once they resume again.

Christmas Open House

While our long standing tradition was a victim of the pandemic we hope that we can resume that tradition safely in 2021


Things you were afraid to ask…

YES, this is it! The most cheerful and dedicated tour-guide is now Maicke..

No, after 20 year of faithful and (mostly) reliable service the old gas-guzzler has been replaced with a shiny PHEV…

We get almost everywhere on battery!